How Rafflecopter Works as an Entrant

How Rafflecopter Works as an Entrant

Entering a Rafflecopter giveaway is easy! The flow of the Rafflecopter widget has been designed to maximize the amount of entrants that participate in your giveaway.

When entrants first come across the giveaway widget that you’ve created, they’ll have to sign into the giveaway widget with either their Facebook account via Facebook connect or their name and email combination.

Rafflecopter widget login

Question: What's the difference between signing in with Facebook vs. your name / email combo?

Once signed into the widget, entrants will be shown the entry options you’ve created. For each entry option the entrant completes, they’ll receive the assigned number of entries into the giveaway. Once an entrant completes an entry option, they’ll see the entry option checked as completed. If they return to the promotion several days later, entrants will remained signed into the widget (unless if they decide to delete their cookies, in which case they’ll be asked to sign in again).

When an entrant completes an entry option, their information (email address, name, IP, timestamp, entry options, etc.) will be put on a list that you’ll be able to access as the giveaway is running as well as when the giveaway is over. You'll be able to notify entrants if they've won by emailing them at the address they've provided. If an entrant signs into your giveaway with their Facebook account, you’ll be given their primary Facebook email address so you’ll be able to contact them there if they’re chosen as a winner.

If you want to enter a Rafflecopter giveaway to experience what it’s like from an entrant’s perspective, visit the Rafflecopter tour page and get the full scoop.


Next: Learn how others have used Rafflecopter